More rounds of house visit from your relatives and friends? Order from these popular CNY Day 11 menus to enjoy the traditional chinese delicacies with your guests!
Many caterers are already full for Chinese New Year Day 11. This page lists the caterers who are still available for CNY Day 11.
Benefits of ordering CNY Day 11 on
When you order CNY Day 11 on, you will get to enjoy many benefits. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, Best Price Guarantee, Cash Reward, FL Points and many more!
Order CNY Day 11 for any Budget or Group Size
There are many CNY Day 11 menus on FoodLine, and there will be one who will meet your budget. Use our search and filters to find CNY Day 11 menus that caters to your needs from 20 pax, 30 pax to even 500 pax. Prices start from as low as $2/pax.